The Polar Routes Blog

Arctic Safari On Wrangel Island

4 August 2022
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Arctic, Wrangel Island

The overland safari is one of the best-known and most iconic travel experiences in the world today. Its popularity and fame are in part due to its conception around the art of photography itself; the wildlife encounter that must be shared. The safari sits as an experience for most bucket lists and is of course framed around the observation of the so-called Big Five animals of Africa. The lion, rhino, Cape buffalo, elephant and leopard. It’s a word that immediately conjures up very specific visual reference points, learned from glossy travel brochures, glorious high-definition nature documentaries and first-hand experiences. But the safari, as with everything in travel, has evolved as the appetite for discovery has widened. And in this blog, I take you to a very faraway place from the Big Five of Africa. A place that defines the phrase, ‘off-the-beaten-track, and one that is rarely seen at the dinner…

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Q&A With Quark Expeditions

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Q&A, Quark Expeditions

We sat down with Quark Expeditions‘ Business Development Manager to discover more about their brand new ship the Ultramarine and to learn what sets them apart from their competitors… What are the features of Ultramarine that set her apart from other expedition ships in the market? Ultramarine’s design embodies our 30+ years of expertise operating exclusively in the Polar regions. It’s our first purpose-built expedition vessel, designed to go beyond the familiar in polar exploration, to discover new places and immerse our guests in the best the polar regions have to offer. Carrying just 199 passengers, she’s equipped with two twin-engine helicopters, which means our guests have the opportunity to explore even further. 20 quick-launching zodiacs, deployed from the water-level zodiac hangar allow guests to get off the ship in half the time of other vessels, which means more time to the destination and faster deployment during opportunistic wildlife encounters. The ship offers the category’s…

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Five Reasons To Travel With Poseidon Expeditions

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Antarctica, Arctic, Poseidon Expeditions

With 22 years of leading Polar expedition cruising behind them, Poseidon are one of the finest operators we work with. We look at some of the reasons that set them apart from the rest and why you should consider them when planning your Antarctica adventure… Small Expedition Vessel It may be an obvious statement, but the vessel you choose to embark on an Antarctica cruise needs to be able to comfortably match the nautical challenges that the unforgiving continent presents. Constructing a vessel capable of facing the harsh climates of the world’s last wilderness is no easy feat but to do so without compromising on luxury comforts for passengers is an incredible accomplishment – and that is exactly what Poseidon’s M/V Sea Spirit offers. Truly one of the finest ships that sail the Antarctic waters, the Sea Spirit caters for only 114 guests, who can enjoy a smooth sailing experience whilst staying in spacious,…

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Top 5 Reasons To Visit Svalbard

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Arctic, Svalbard

If you haven’t been to the Polar regions, Svalbard is the perfect place to start, it offers everything from incredible wildlife, fascinating human history and some of the most spectacular glaciers and Arctic landscape on the planet. It is often known as Spitsbergen, the name of the archipelago’s largest and only permanently populated island, Svalbard is an archipelago that could easily be described as an Arctic fairy-tale of a destination. It’s a dramatic wilderness of glaciers and mountains, ice fields and barren tundra, extremities of light and dark, and is home to more polar bears than people, yet people it has – making this a destination in which you can truly experience life in the high Arctic. Polar bears Search for the mighty Polar Bear – also known as the King of the Arctic – There are now estimated to be around 3,000 bears in the area of Svalbard and Franz Josef land. Polar bears hunt on sea ice, and with over 100,000km of total coastline…

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Q&A With Alastair Newton

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Antarctica, Ponant, Q&A

Q&A with Ponant’s Expedition Leader and Director of National Geographic Partnership, Alastair Newton Alastair Newton brings years of polar exploration experience and expertise to his role as Ponant’s Expedition Leader and director of their partnership with the prestigious National Geographic. We wanted to find out more about Alastair’s extraordinary life exploring Antarctica… What is the role of an expedition leader and what do they do? An Expedition Leader is responsible for creating the remarkable and memorable experiences of the Expedition. It is a huge responsibility as it is these moments that the guests will treasure. These can include; adapting to a sudden opportunity, such as turning the ship around to watch whales bubble-net feeding in Alaska, helping the guests leave their preconceptions behind so they can experience new cultures openly, or changing the whole itinerary due to changing weather and creating a new program as we see what opportunities present…

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An Arctic Encounter

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Arctic, Svalbard, Wildlife

Whatever else one might come to Spitsbergen for, one reason must surely be to see the mighty polar bear or hopefully even two or three! So, from the moment we were onboard our ship for our Svalbard cruise we were constantly on the lookout for one of these incredible animals. With their vast stature and amazing pearly white coat, designed by nature to keep out the very worst of the freezing temperatures of the Arctic, these majestic creatures are actually waterproof too! Great for when a dive upon some unsuspecting prey was made to ensure something for dinner, or indeed the odd swim. There was a certain rivalry between the watchers as to who might spot a bear first, forgetting that it was far more likely that an experienced member of the crew might well have keener eyes than us ‘landlubbers.’ We had been on the ship now for a couple of days, sailing slowly along the…

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Antarctica With Aurora Expeditions

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Take a journey like no other on an expedition delving deep into the wilderness of the Antarctic. Explore the surreal remoteness and battle the elemental forces on a true adventure. We explore the benefits of travelling with our partners Aurora Expeditions… Travel in Style on the Brand-New Sylvia Earle If you have never travelled to Antarctica before then you could easily be forgiven for wondering above else about the type of ships and equipment that are used to navigate through the challenges of the world’s last great wilderness. There is a surprisingly high variety on offer so it is essential that you consider this aspect when planning your adventure of a lifetime. The very latest vessel available to you is the brand-new Sylvia Earle from Aurora Expeditions which makes its maiden expedition in October 2021. It has been designed to match every natural challenge it faces with ease and at an average of 132 passengers per voyage,…

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Top 5 Reasons To Visit Iceland By Cruise

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With a reputation as the Land of Fire & Ice, it is unsurprising that Iceland conjures up an array of images in the minds of the intrepid: crashing waterfalls, erupting volcanoes, and expansive ice sheets. But those who have been fortunate enough to visit this land, know that as well as having all the above, it is one of incomparable beauty with an almost mystical allure that will have you returning time after time to explore more of this awe-inspiring country. Whilst there is plenty of fantastic attractions to be found near the country’s capital, Reykjavik, such as the Blue Lagoon and the famous Golden Circle, to truly experience Iceland’s wilderness and bleak beauty, there is no better way than exploring this diverse island by cruise ship.  Below are just some of the reasons you should consider a cruise for your next trip to Iceland… The Incredible Feeling of Isolation With the secret well-and-truly out about Iceland, tourists are flocking…

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What You Need To Know About The Arctic

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‘Arctic’ comes from the Greek word for bear; ‘Arktos’ and it is believed that the name refers to two constellations that can be seen in the northern sky – ‘Ursa Minor’ (Little Bear) and ‘Ursa Major’ (Great Bear).  This beautiful ice-cold region is the northernmost part of our planet; a remote corner of the world inhabited by indigenous arctic people called ‘Inuits’ and admired by visitors for its incredible otherworldly landscapes and extraordinary wildlife. A place so special that it contains around 10% of the world’s fresh water. Inside the Arctic, there is at least one day a year of entire darkness, and one day a year of entire sunshine. Another particularity of the Arctic is that the sea ice that keeps the polar regions cool also helps moderate the global climate. The ice has a bright surface and 80% of the sunlight that enters is reflected back into space….

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10 Things You Need To Know About Antarctica

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Congratulations! If you are reading this, it’s because you are about to make a great decision: travelling to Antarctica! We can guarantee that you will enjoy your time in this land of desolate beauty. The landscape of the Antarctic is extreme, mostly made up of white icy peaks and crisp blue glaciers. The clear waters are inhabited by an array of penguin species, seals and whales. This vast freezing desert is the coldest, driest and wildest place on earth, making a trip here, so much more exciting than any other travel adventure. Are you ready to have the most otherworldly trip of your life and share our lifelong infatuation with the Polar regions? Then without further ado, let us take you through the 10 things you need to know before embarking on your once-in-a-lifetime expedition cruise: Best Time To Visit Antarctic cruises only operate in the Antarctic summer months, between November and early…

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