Tag: polar regions

What You Need To Know About The Arctic

4 August 2022
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‘Arctic’ comes from the Greek word for bear; ‘Arktos’ and it is believed that the name refers to two constellations that can be seen in the northern sky – ‘Ursa Minor’ (Little Bear) and ‘Ursa Major’ (Great Bear).  This beautiful ice-cold region is the northernmost part of our planet; a remote corner of the world inhabited by indigenous arctic people called ‘Inuits’ and admired by visitors for its incredible otherworldly landscapes and extraordinary wildlife. A place so special that it contains around 10% of the world’s fresh water. Inside the Arctic, there is at least one day a year of entire darkness, and one day a year of entire sunshine. Another particularity of the Arctic is that the sea ice that keeps the polar regions cool also helps moderate the global climate. The ice has a bright surface and 80% of the sunlight that enters is reflected back into space….

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Solo Travel to Antarctica

28 July 2022
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If you’ve been dreaming of taking that once-in-a-lifetime trip to Antarctica, but worry that travelling to Antarctica as a single traveller will be prohibitively expensive – we’ve got great news. Read on to find out how you can make the most of a solo trip to Antarctica. Avoiding Single Supplements Although many companies charge a single supplement to solo travellers to make up for a loss on double-occupancy cabins – several of our operators don’t charge single supplements if you’re prepared to share your room with another passenger. In fact, we even offer expeditions on ships which have dedicated single cabins with no single supplement, which means you can make the most of a solo trip to Antarctica and avoid paying 50% more with additional single supplement charges. Tips for Solo Travel to Antarctica You may feel uneasy about embarking on an expedition to Antarctica by yourself, but you definitely won’t…

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Six Types of Antarctic Penguin

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Antarctica, Wildlife

Let’s be honest. A once-in-a-lifetime trip to Antarctica isn’t about the bragging rights or quenching the thirst of your inner explorer – it’s all about the penguins. Whether or not these amazing two-legged, flightless creatures are the only reason you want to visit the frozen continent, we have no doubt you’ll be excited when you spot one for the first time. These are the six types of penguins in Antarctica that you should watch out for. Adélie Penguin You’ll only find the Adélie penguin down South, as the Antarctic coast is their primary (and only) residence. Almost four million Adélie penguins live in Antarctica, making them a common sighting for visitors. If you are lucky enough to visit Cape Adare in East Antarctica, you could see their largest colony made up of around a quarter of a million pairs. Fun fact: The Adélie penguin’s plumage provides fantastic camouflage in the water….

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